Palo Alto Leaders Endorse Sam Liccardo

Palo Alto Leaders Endorse Sam Liccardo

Liccardo is Pick of Mayor, Vice Mayor, Eight Former Mayors, Local Education Leaders 

SAN JOSE, CA —  Today, a prominent group of Palo Alto leaders announced their endorsement of Sam Liccardo for Congress. This bolsters Liccardo after polling shows Liccardo with an +11% lead on an uninformed ballot, and after he outraised his opponent nearly 3:1 in the most recent quarter of reported contributions.

Liccardo has the support of 14 current and former Palo Alto elected officials. His opponent, in contrast,  does not have a single endorsement from any current elected official representing Palo Alto.

“I’m deeply honored to be endorsed by such a broad coalition of Palo Alto leaders,” Liccardo said. “These elected officials have served Palo Alto and our surrounding community for decades, and they understand the concerns of Palo Altans. I look forward to continuing to learn from them as I serve Palo Alto and the peninsula in Congress.”

“Both my wife and I are public school teachers, so we understand the struggles of being able to afford Palo Alto,” Palo Alto Mayor Greer Stone said. “Sam gets that struggle, he understands it, and he has a plan to actually address it. We need him in Congress to get it done for Palo Alto.”

“Serving for years as Mayor of San Jose, Sam “gets” what local governments need to manage growth and fix problems,” Palo Alto Vice Mayor Ed Lauing said. “As our Congressman, I know he will aggressively help our region fund critical issues like public safety and truly affordable housing. He wants prompt action, not endless government process on national and local issues.”

“I know Palo Alto, and I know Sam,” Palo Alto Councilmember Pat Burt said. “Sam Liccardo is clearly the best pick to represent us. I have worked with and respected Sam for years. He has a deep understanding of the issues facing our community; climate change, affordable housing, fiscal responsibility, equal opportunity, and public safety. Sam has a clear policy plan to address those issues. I’m proud to endorse his campaign.”

The full group includes:


  • Mayor Greer Stone

  • Vice Mayor Ed Lauing

  • Councilmember Pat Burt

  • Former Mayor and Former County Supervisor Liz Kniss

  • Former Mayor Karen Holman

  • Former Mayor and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Board Member Yoriko Kishimoto

  • Former Mayor Larry Klein

  • Former Mayor Judy Kleinberg

  • Former Mayor Jean McCown

  • Former Mayor Greg Scharff

  • Former Mayor Peter Drekmeier

  • Palo Alto Unified School District Board Trustee Jennifer DiBrienza

  • Palo Alto Unified School District Board Trustee Todd Collins

  • Former Palo Alto Unified School District Board Member Camille Townsend

This latest endorsement builds on Liccardo’s strong base of support, which includes the three largest news dailies in the region — the San Francisco Chronicle, the Mercury News, and the San Mateo Daily Journal — more than a dozen current members of Congress, the Sierra Club, California Environmental Voters, 350 Bay Area Action, the New Democrat Coalition, CHC BOLD PAC, NorCal Carpenters Union, Laborers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA), Defend the Vote, California High School Democrats, Latino Victory Fund and more than 120 local elected officials. A full endorsement list can be seen here.


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