Palo Alto Daily Post Endorses Sam Liccardo

Palo Alto Daily Post Endorses Sam Liccardo

“The Difference Between the Two Candidates is Like Night and Day”


 Today, the Palo Alto Daily Post endorsed Sam Liccardo for Congress. The Daily Post is the fourth news daily to endorse Liccardo, joining every other endorsing news daily. This further bolsters Liccardo after public polling shows Liccardo with a +17% lead, and after he outraised his opponent nearly 3:1 in Q2.


Sam Liccardo Best Choice for Congress


In the race for Congress, the difference between the two candidates is like night and day. Sam Liccardo is prepared, experienced and ready to start on Day 1. His opponent, Evan Low, is a one-dimensional candidate who doesn’t appear to be the least bit ready for what will be a challenging job. This is an easy choice.


We should note that Low turned down our many requests for an interview. It appears that he’s so far behind in this race that he’s given up, which explains why he has made few appearances in Palo Alto or the northern part of their district. It would seem as if he is just going through the motions, perhaps to please his backers at PG&E…


Liccardo impresses us as being thoroughly knowledgeable about a variety of subjects, and would be able to make alliances in Congress that would give the Mid-Peninsula the clout it deserves…


Low has spent most of his campaign lashing out at Donald Trump, which isn’t a controversial stand to take in a dark blue district. It’s one thing to attack the opposition, but Liccardo is realistic in understanding that in a narrowly split Congress, anything he wants to accomplish will take a few Republican votes. We applaud Liccardo’s pragmatism. He’s more likely to get things done in Washington than a bomb-thrower who is desperate for attention…


Low, a state Assemblyman, doesn’t bring much else to the table in terms of policy. But his heavy cam paign is financed through a political action committee funded by PG&E. PG&E wants influence in Washington and Sacramento. The company ought to be focusing its attention on reducing outages and lowering rates. Any politician who hooks up with PG&E is automatically

suspect in our book. Low may claim that the political action committee funded by PG&E isn’t coordinating with him, but he could denounce their support. He hasn’t, though, and that’s revealing.


Liccardo, a Democrat, offers views on national and international issues that appear to be in line with the opinions of local residents. He’s experienced given his two terms as mayor in San Jose and he’s pragmatic, which will mean he gets things done in Washington. The Post is pleased to recommend Sam Liccardo for Congress.


Liccardo is endorsed by the four largest news dailies in the region — the San Francisco Chronicle, the Mercury News, the Palo Alto Daily Post and the San Mateo Daily Journal — more than a dozen current members of Congress, the Sierra Club, California Environmental Voters, 350 Bay Area Action, the New Democrat Coalition, CHC BOLD PAC, NorCal Carpenters Union, Laborers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA), Defend the Vote, California High School Democrats, Latino Victory Fund and more than 120 local elected officials. A full endorsement list can be seen here.


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